Well, Ellie bonked her bean tonight. I was at a meeting when Brent called me with an extra calm voice and told me to come home right away. He explained to me that Ellie had slipped while getting off of the trampoline and had hit her head on the edging between the grass and the rocks. She got a really deep gash right in the middle of her forehead. As soon as I got home we loaded her into the van and I headed to the ER to get her stitched up. I had to keep talking to her about starting dance class and preschool to try and calm her down. She would start freaking out and I would have to distract her from thinking about it. We got to the ER and ended up waiting to be seen for 4 hours. It was a really long night, to say the least. I entertained Ellie with promises of ice cream afterwards, Skittles and my phone, except the battery was almost dead and I forgot my charger. According to the nurses, they had never seen the ER as busy as it was tonight. While we were waiting Ellie was holding her arm and every once in a while said that it hurt. I didn't think much of it.
They finally took us back and we ended up in a room that had a chair. That was it. A chair. The nurse brought in something to numb her cut and I held it on there for about 45 minutes before Ellie said she was done. The PA came in, looked at Ellie's head, and said, "well we are going to need to stitch her up. I was told that it was a minor abrasion." He got us into an actual room with equipment and then we finally got taken care of. I also mentioned that Ellie's arm was hurting so we had an x-ray taken of her arm and she has a buckle fracture on her right arm down by her wrist. Awesome.
The nurse gave Ellie some verset to mildly knock her out. Basically so that she just wouldn't remember getting the stitches. They sprayed it up her nose and she freaked out! It tasted awful so she started screaming and spitting like crazy. I held Kleenexes for her to spit into while she cried. They had to give her a second dose because she was still pretty with it and we had to go through the freak out all over again. The PA came in to do the stitches and the nurse held Ellie down. She has always been our child who hates being touched and held down. Being out of it almost made it worse. The PA irrigated her wound and then stitched it up. Ellie's hair and shirt were soaked! She got 7 stitches, screaming the entire time. After the stitches a different person came in to fit Ellie's arm for a splint. By this time it was about 1AM and Ellie was SO tired! She fell asleep and the person put her splint on her while she was sleeping. We were finally done!
Ellie and I got home at about 1:30. My phone had been dead for hours and so Brent had no idea what was going on. He actually called the ER at one point to see if we were still there. We got Ellie inside and decided to change her clothes because she was all wet from the irrigation. That woke her up and she freaked out! She didn't remember getting the splint on and she wanted it OFF! She was pulling at it and screaming. We watched Finding Nemo and I went out to the freezer to get the ice cream sandwich that I had promised her. Well, she couldn't eat it because she wanted to use her right hand. It took me over and hour to get her to calm down. I finally explained to her that she had two choices. She could feed herself with her left hand or she could let Mommy feed her. She finally let me do it. She enjoyed it and went right to bed. Poor girl. We had a long night. Hopefully tomorrow will look a little better for her. She was sure a trooper tonight.
Ellie's cut really didn't bleed much.
Eating Skittles... yummy!
Numbing medicine on Ellie's owie
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