Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jacob's 7-Year-Old Birthday Questions

How old are you?                                      7
What makes you happy?                            Christmas
What is your favorite animal?                    Salt Water Crocodile
What is your favorite thing to eat?             Pizza and Ham
What is your least favorite thing to eat?      Peas
What is your favorite thing to do?               Ride my bike & play in the snow
What is your favorite TV show?                   Walking with Dinosaurs
What are you really good at?                     Decorating my Christmas tree
What is your favorite movie?                      Big Hero 6
What is your favorite color?                       Green
What is your favorite song?                         Everything is Awesome
Who is your best friend?                             Liam Bratt & Rielly Crawford
What do you and your mom do together?    Go to monster truck shows
What do you and your dad do together?      Go to monster truck shows
What is your favorite sport?                        Soccer
Where is your favorite place to go?             Monster truck show
What is your favorite book?                        Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Dad

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Picture Attempts

We are at Grandma & Grandpa Powell's house for Thanksgiving again this year.  We went to Aunt Lisa's house yesterday and stayed overnight.  Mom went to the temple this morning and then we headed to Colorado Springs.  I decided to try and get a cute picture of all 4 of the kids together.  This is what I got!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Frosty the Snowman

So this is a rehearsal of Ellie's Christmas dance "Frosty the Snowman."  She is great at remembering choreography and is a perfectionist at heart.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sending Some Love

Just sending some love to my honey while he is at church meetings.  ♥

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A New Friend

Ryan has discovered Daisy.  He loves hitting the bars and "playing" with her.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Preschool Birthday Celebrations!

Ryan and I got to take cupcakes in to Ellie's preschool today so that her friends could help her celebrate.  She was SO THRILLED to have everyone sing to her and to share her cupcakes.

While we were waiting for Ellie to be done with school for the day Ryan found a truck to play with.  He was enthralled with it and probably ended up playing with the thing for about a 1/2 hour.  He sure likes anything with wheels!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Ellie!

Today is Ellie's 4th birthday!  She has been talking about it non-stop for weeks!  This morning she woke up and Brent and I started counting how many times she said "birthday" because she just kept on going.  I finally stopped at around 10am when she hit 70x!  I got tired of marking it.  Haha!

After dance we picked up Maia Whitehead for our birthday playdate and went to TCBY and watched a movie.  We spent the afternoon with Ellie asking me to make dinner so that she could open her presents and eat cake.  We had alfredo noodles and chicken for dinner.  Once we let her start on her presents she couldn't go fast enough!  Ellie got Dave the Minion, bandaids, a nightlight, lipgloss, a ribbon wand, a Rapunzel hair toy, a princess vanity, pink legos, and some dollars.  Happy birthday sweet girl!  We sure do love you!